3D Data Capturing Laser Scanning
Endless Possibilities
Industrial Measurement Solutions, LLC is a Louisiana based dimensional surveying agency that has been delivering 3D solutions to clients for over 15 years. We offer an impressive portfolio of dimensional technology services that are completely customizable for your business. Whatever your needs may be, we can make it happen. We have the experience to solve your most complex problems. Get in touch with us today.
3D Data Capturing
Laser Scanning Services | Engineering Solutions
Our clients are operating in a highly competitive market, are under constant pressure to optimize processes and reduce costs, all while staying in compliance with the latest safety and environmental regulations. Reducing downtime and implementing environmentally sustainable initiatives requires a clear understanding of the as-is structure. Our laser scanning solutions enable you to safely, accurately and efficiently determine whether planned changes will interfere with existing structures. We examine what tools are needed to stay safe, relevant and competitive in this fast paced world and add them to our ever-evolving toolbox. Let us help you turn a problem into an opportunity for improvement.
What is Laser Scanning?
A laser scanner is a high volume, high definition survey instrument. IMS uses Z+F 5010/5010C laser scanners, capable of capturing 508,000 3D points per second. “Laser Scanning” has become a catch-all term that essentially describes the process of using a laser scanner to capture millions of points in or of a facility and transforming them digitally into a 3D model, a digital/virtual twin, which appears much like a digital 3D photo, except it’s highly interactive, precise and functional. The scanning process is a non-intrusive method of rapidly collecting high-quality detailed data in a very short amount of time. The resulting data is then referenced into various software platforms to support accurate interactivity between new designs and as-built/existing conditions. Laser scanning and 3D data capture are vital tools in today's world of virtual operations.
Is Laser Scanning Safe?
The Z+F Laser Scanner is a class 1 laser (eye safe), low energy and battery operated. While not technically classified as intrinsically safe, this instrument has the same spark potential as a digital camera, therefore requiring the same permitting. Depending on site requirements, a hot work permit, non-flame hot work permit or a special case white permit may be required. Our standard operating procedure requires the technician to stay with the instrument during operation to keep foot and other traffic out of the area, preventing workers or vehicles from being inadvertently captured. This procedure ensures that safety protocols are met and areas to be scanned are not blocked from the device's view.
Your Project
All support and services are tailored to each client’s needs. An upfront, fixed-cost proposal is generated for all services – without hidden fees or extra charges. IMS is dedicated to efficiency, accuracy and quality. Upon completion of a client’s project, data obtained is maintained securely at no cost. This is done so that a client’s project will not need to be re-scanned should data be damaged, lost or if there is a new project requiring the same scans. This ultimately saves time and revenue. Additionally, free training is provided on utilization of the point cloud software. This service enables users to quickly and effectively use the scanned data. We work with major owner/operators as well as EPC's. Our client base encompasses both major corporations and smaller firms. IMS believes that no project is too small or too large to benefit from laser scanning services.
Proven Results
Utilization of the latest software, plus state-of-the-art hardware to capture and process data allows IMS to produce the fastest turnarounds in the industry – crucially important to tightly scheduled projects. Above all, our team is exceedingly committed to client satisfaction. IMS is focused on going above and beyond the typical expectations of any service provider. We understand that our success is linked to your success. IMS maintains close business relationships with all clients – consistently resulting in satisfied, repeat customers.